Traditional and Novel Beverage Concepts
Concept 1 – Organic Hemp Milk
- Hemp is considered among the highest sources of protein which is plant-based.
- Usually cold pressed
- Considered alternative to dairy
- Can be available in flavours
Concept 2 – RTD Kanji
- Fermented drink made from deep purple colored carrots popular in India
Concept 3 –Jigarthanda
- A cold beverage
- Originated in Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Concept 4- Buransh
- Drink made from burans flower
- Bright red in colour
- Refreshing appetizer popular in Uttrakhand
Concept 5 – Kombucha
- A fermented functional beverage
- Can be made available in various flavours
Concept 6- Kefir
- Fermented milk drink
- Can be prepared by inoculating cow, goat or sheep milk with kefir grains
Concept 7- Flavoured Coconut Water
- Fruit flavoured coconut water
- Can be made available in tetra packs
Concept 8- Barley Milk
- A plant based beverage prepared from unused barley grains
Concept 9- Flax Milk
- High in omega 3 content
- Plant based milk free from allergens

Concept 10- Pea milk
- Made from golden peas
- High in protein content
Concept 11- Quinoa Milk
- High in nutrition
- Low glycemic index
Concept 12- Birch Water
- Directly tapped from birch trees
- Can be consumed fresh and naturally fermented
Concept 13- Cactus Water
- Plant-based beverage derived from the fruit of the prickly pear cactus and packed with incredible health and skin benefits
Concept 14- Sparkling Coffee
- Fizzy fruity carbonated beverage
- Fruit juice, lemon juice, citric acid can be added
Concept 15- Cold Brewed Tea
- Tea steeped in cold or room temperature water for an extended period of time
- Lower caffeine content
- Less bitter
Concept 16- Cold Brewed Coffee
- Includes the process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for an extended period
- Brewing at a lower temperature results in lower acidity and lower caffeine content when brewed in equal volume