Flavored Papad Processing

“From the Sindhi plate to Rajasthani thali and the MalayaliSadhya, no Indian meal is complete without papad – the most visible ingredient in cuisines of all states and communities”

  • Be it young or old, rich or poor, people across all sections relish papad, or papadum for many.
  • These crispy thin crackers are also eaten as snacks or appetizers.
  • These come in different sizes and textures such as mini papad, big papads, roasted papad, khakra and many more.
  • Papad can be cooked by deep-frying, roasting over an open flame, toasting or microwaving.

Why Papad Processing?

  1. Wide targeted market – all age groups + rural and urban market
  2. Potential for exports
  3. Low-cost venture
  4. Possibility of a wide variety of flavored papads
  5. Employment opportunity for rural women


Papad Market in India

  • There are a couple of national brands available but the market is predominantly controlled by local brands.
  • Various varieties and flavors of papad are available which are named either on the base flour or the spices used like Nachni/Ragi , Garlic Papad, Bajra Na Papad, Kali MirchPapad, Urad Papad and many more.


  • Low-Cost Venture
  • Potential for exports
  • Wide variety of flavored papads
  • Easy preparation

Papad Manufacturing Process

A papad can be prepared using a huge variety of natural ingredients such as lentils, chickpea, black gram, tapioca and much more along with a plethora of authentic Indian spices.




  • The flour, spices, and oil are mixed with water to form a dough.
  • The dough is allowed to rest for 30 minutes.
  • Dough is cut into small balls and rounded.
  • The rounded balls are either sheeted or pressed into circular discs of desired thickness.
  • These are then dried to moisture content of 12%.
  • Finally, the dried papads are packed.

Did you know?
“ShriMahilaGrihaUdyogLijjatPapad, the company behind very famous Lizzatpapad, started with a loan of Rs 80 and now has an annual turnover of Rs650 crore.”

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