Export Guidelines for Food
The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has marked its presence in almost all agro potential states of India. Under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act 1985, every person exporting any one or more of the Scheduled products shall apply to Authority to be registered as an exporter of the Scheduled product or Scheduled products. The Registration-Cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) is issued once the exporter has signed up through APEDA website. The exporters are required to follow prescribed guidelines set for different products by the importing countries.
For export of peanut and peanut products
Compliance with the maximum permissible levels (MLs) of aflatoxins, quarantine requirements and quality parameters are major concern of the importing countries. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the above requirements for exports of peanuts and peanut products (PPP).
All PPP processing units those intending to export these products in any form for direct human consumption or as an ingredient in foodstuffs or further processing intending to export directly or supply to exporter shall:
- submit their applications to APEDA.
- be registered by APEDA as per the laid down criteria by it.
- ensure that all peanut farmers are made aware of the recommended practices based on Good Agriculture Practices as described in Code of Practice for prevention & reduction of aflatoxin contamination in peanuts CAC/RCP 55-2004.
- ensure that the official controls at peanut processing units include assessment of factors which influence mould growth and aflatoxin production in peanuts and peanut products as described in the Code of Practice for the prevention & reduction of aflatoxin contamination in peanuts CAC/RCP 55-2004.
- avoid spray of water before shelling on peanut pods meant for exports and such consignments should be stored separately. The units are also advised to maintain logbook and documentation in this regard.
- PPP meant for exports shall be subject to issuance of Certificate of Exports by APEDA. Certificate of exports shall be issued by APEDA to the exporter/ processor for the quantity that qualify aflatoxin test based on the test report issued by the authorized laboratory stating that the processing and packaging has been carried out in a processing unit, warehouse registered by APEDA with registration number.Additionally, for exports of PPP to Russian Federation, exporters need to obtain the Certificate of Quality. For exports of PPP to Malaysia and EU, Health certificate is required.
For export of Pomegranates
- Adequate monitoring through proper surveillance should be in place to eliminate the possibility of detection/presence of the residues of agro chemicals and any other contaminants in pomegranates in excess of prescribed levels of the importing countries.
- Accordingly, it is necessary to check/verify agro chemicals used in the cultivation of pomegranates for exports complying with food safety norms of importing countries.
- It is also essential to grade the pomegranates (through grant of Certificate of Agmark Grading (CAG) by the Department of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) ) before issuance of the Phyto Sanitary Certificate (PSC).
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