Ice Cream Cone Manufacturing Setup

“Cone is one of the most popular modes of serving ice-cream owing to its clean, easy-to-store, and disposal-free attributes. With increasing consumption of ice-cream, demand for ice-cream cones is set to follow the same trend.”

Market Scope

  • Indian ice cream industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the food processing industry.
  • Currently, Ice cream market in India is estimated to be over INR 4,000 crores and is growing at a CAGR of 10-15%.
  • With the growing consumer base, increasing disposable income, and a greater trend toward eating-out, this trend is expected to continue.
  • Potential for ice-cream cones in urban as well as rural and semi-urban market
    – Ice cream cones can be branded and made exotic with coatings like chocolate, nuts targeting the urban market.
    – On the other hand, unbranded cones, mainly wafer cones, can be sold targeting the local ice cream parlors/shops in the rural and semi-urban market.




  1. Ice cream market growing at a CAGR of 10-15%
  2. Opportunity in rural as well as urban market
  3. Potential from small scale to large scale production

Types of Cones

Ice-cream cones come in a variety of shapes and sizes, are made from different ingredients and vary in their degree of sweetness.

Three broad categories of cones are mentioned below:



Manufacturing Process and Shelf Life

  • The three basic dry raw materials are wheat flour, corn flour, and sugar. In addition, the wet ingredients are water, shortening, flavoring and coloring agents.
  • The manufacturing of cone is a mechanical operation in which the batter is moulded and baked in the cone making a machine.
  • The shelf life of cones is over 2 years if stored in a properly sealed condition.




Did you know?
“India has a low per capita ice cream consumption of ice cream at 400 ml as compared with per capita consumption of ice cream of 22,000 ml in the United States and 3,000 ml in China,”

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